
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Children's Book Guide to Travel

Once again, I had another blog idea in mind, but got sidetracked by something amazing that landed in my inbox. (really, I'll get to those keyboarding suggestions soon)

Once upon the time, our family had the chance to live in London.  Some of our fondest memories involve summers traveling through Europe with the kids... and often times the way to bring the history or culture alive for the kids would be through storybook references.  Like Paddington Bear, we wandered through Paddington Station in London, we marched the streets of Paris like Madeline (but not quite in two straight lines) and hiked in the hills of Scotland imagining the flying cars in Harry Potter were zooming above the Hogwarts Express.  We also made a pilgrimage to Doune Castle, where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed, and the kids had great fun clopping coconuts as they pretended to gallop into the castle... but I digress.

The wonderful infographic below landed in my inbox this morning via the Edudemic blog, reminding me of those days... and I had to share.  Of course, most of these destinations are a bit far-fetched for the average family not posted overseas, so I'd like to suggest the 2002 book Storybook Travels that suggests a number of destinations a bit  closer to home. 

A Children�s Book Guide to Travel [Infographic]

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