
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Khan Academy: Keep your Math Skills Sharp Over the Summer with this Amazing Website!

For Upper School Students, we suggest Khan Academy as an interactive online resource to keep math skills sharp over the summer.  This website assesses where students are in their learning, and assigns problems to help students master any areas of weakness.  The students work at their own pace, take ownership of their learning, and have fun by earning badges and completing missions.   Video tutorials are available to help coach them through new topics, or areas where they might need review.  A dashboard is also available so that students - and parents - can track progress.

A comprehensive overview of the program for parents can be found here:

When students login for the first time, they are given a pretest to unlock their learning dashboard, and will start working through problems that align with their level.  Some of our students have used Khan Academy to supplement their learning in math class this year, so can continue from where they have left off in class. 

For most of our students, this will be a new challenge.  They will login using their HTS Gmail account and password.  (If you are new to HTS and need a Gmail address and password please Email Karelia Pallan: For summer review, we suggest students begin with the grade level they have just completed, and click on the box at the top of the page that says “Unlock your learning dashboard.” This will begin the pretest. The links can be found below:

4th Grade:
5th Grade:
6th Grade:
7th Grade:

If you have any questions, please contact: Polly Sileo: or
Mary Beth Morell

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