
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Amazing TED and TED Ed

I am a bit obsessed with TED Talks - and the TED Ed website.  I have been known to lose track of space and time while surfing through lists of videos, feeling alternately inspired and completely inadequate.  My Upper School students are familiar with the  TED Ed "playlists" of my faves for them to peruse during tech class if they have finished a project or test early.  If you have a tween or teenager  complaining about being bored, I would highly recommend sending them a link to TED Ed to wander through... new videos are added every week.

I stumbled across this cool infographic from, which explains the phenomenon...
TED Talks Infographic
I have found it to be a bit overwhelming to try to figure out the best talks to watch from the hundreds available, so often turn to lists of favorites from various websites to guide me.  Many of my favorites can be found on these lists:

From the Under30ceo blog... 25 Amazing Inspiring and Unique TED Talks you must watch

TED Talks Education

TED Weekends from the Huffington Post

Do you have a favorite TED Talk?  Share it below...

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