
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Wander Through A Handful of Kids Literature Blogs

From the Collecting Children's Books Blog

I thought this blog entry would simply be revisiting a blog entry that I love from last year, but then I became completely lost on the Internet by a series of fierce wonderings (as Luke's 3rd grade teacher would say):

So, re-printed from last year, a  lovely blog post about starting a summer book club for your kids.  I found the blog "Dinner: A Love Story" a few weeks ago, and have been enchanted for a couple of reasons.  The first is that the blogger manages to prepare a home cooked meal for her family every single night of the week.  It's a dream of mine.  At the Morell home, we survive on Chipotle take out for days at a time.  The other reason I adore this blog is that the entire family loves children's books, and has a series of posts suggesting various wonderful titles (and several I'd like to try...)  Blogger Jenny Rosenstrach sets up a summer reading program for her kids - something I used to do when my kids were younger.  Like me, she uses shameless bribing (one summer, when Peter was in 2nd grade, he earned nearly 20 playmobil men).  So take a moment to check out the summer reading program, the book lists, and perhaps even the dinner suggestions too:

This year, when I wandered back to see if Jenny had a new list of books for the summer (she does not), I discovered that she recommended a wonderful blog dedicated to children's literature:

Mrs. Little: An Obsession with Children's Books

With entry titles like: "If Amelia Bedelia was a Chanel Client", and "If your son sleeps with a light saber... " I was hooked.

So then I wondered what other Children's Literature blogs might be out there that I have been missing, and came across a fascinating article by Elizabeth Bird which appeared in the School Library Journal a few years ago.  Titled:  This Blog's for You: Ten of the best blogs for folks who take kids' lit seriously (but not too seriously).  I wandered through all ten, and have chosen three that I found to be fascinating... and hope you do too!  

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast

I consider it fair to say that of all the children’s literary blogs, the most visually stunning (with consistently kicking content) is the product of Eisha Prather and Jules Danielson. They provide amazing interviews of up-and-coming authors and illustrators. - Elizabeth Bird

Educating Alice

A blog written by Monica Edinger, an educator at New York City’s Dalton School, this regularly updated site features whip-smart commentary and classroom experience regarding all aspects of children’s literature. - Elizabeth Bird

Collecting Children's Books

This may be the best-written children’s literary blog of all time. Librarian Peter Sieruta doesn’t just retell the history of children’s books—he brings it to life and makes it dance! - Elizabeth Bird

Time to stop wondering and wandering!  I have laundry (and reading!) to do...


Mrs. Morell

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